Beyond Do No Harm Principles Session #6: Drug Policy

This session's topics cover BDNH Principle #6, how health care providers can work to stop calling police on people in possession of, distributing, or using drugs and controlled substances, and stop participating or supporting prosecution in cases related to drug use or overdose.

Speakers: Jacqueline Seitz (Legal Action Center); Kimberly Sue, MD, PhD (Yale School of Medicine);  Marilyn Reyes (Peer Network of New York), Tamara Olt, MD (Broken No More); Louise Vincent, MPH (National Survivors Union); and with Aliza Cohen (Drug Police Alliance)

Event Recording

Graphic Notes

Illustrated by Sara Yukimoto-Saltman

Image Description: Graphic Notes by Sara Yukimoto-Saltman. Beyond Do No Harm Session 6: Interrupting Criminalization of People Impacted by the Drug War, with speakers Marilyn Reyes, Louise Vincent, MPH, Tamara Olt, MD, Kimberly Sue, MD, PhD, Jacqueline Seitz, and moderated by Aliza Cohen. Purple background with pink illustrations. On the left, illustration of a hospital doors and pain reliever pills. Text, "Do not assume substance use is cause of x condition. Give privacy and space --> enter thru ER --> Legally have less privacy rights, enter thru systems, sign consent form signing rights away --> legally have less privacy rights, Enter on own, more control of info." There is an image of a file labeled Electronic health records, with text coming out of it labeling health records, and "used to shield from liability." "Treat pain withdrawal symptoms immediately. Educate yourself on stigma, language, and caring for people who use drugs." "The massive amounts of data being collected are being collected for health purposes and then used by systems that don't have patient wellness top of mind." On the right side is an image of a syringe and vial, a crossed out pen, a door, and a megaphone. Text, "Can you please leave the room - I'm doing a private interview with my patient." "'We must center the liberation and self determination of people who use drugs'" with an arrow leading to "Kick out cops from examination rooms" and "advocacy: clinicians can take court cases to keep people out of the system." "Keep focused notes on patients" with arrows leading to "assume all notes are used in court" and "do not document any charges."

Resources Shared During the Event